Monday, September 21, 2009

Bible Contradiction IV

While displaying ignorance in multiple areas, atheists demonstrate this deficiency frequently in their description of Biblical “contradictions.” What is a contradiction? A simple definition comes to us from Stanley Jevons’ Elementary Lessons in Logic, says: “Nothing can both be and not be” (1928, p. 117).

The Decent Drug Dealer
Adam: One of the nicest people that I’ve ever met was this guy, Evan. I went to highschool with him. He was kind, and generous and helpful in class. He went into the electrical business with his dad right out of highschool.

Julie: I know an Even who said that he went into the electrical business with his dad right out of highschool. Of course it’s been thirty years ago since he graduated. I met him in rehab just a couple months ago. He’d be dealing meth. and crack. He’d lost his business and family and home. He’s getting back on his feet but he was really messed up.

Could it be the same Evan? Atheists say, "No Way!"

Genesis 6:9 / Genesis 9:21.

1 comment:

J Curtis said...

Mak, if you have a moment, check out today's entry on my blog. Leave a comment if it interests you. If not, then ignore it. The reason I ask is because I respect your opinion. JC