Saturday, December 12, 2009

Talking to atheists!

Ah, what a challenge. I’ve spent the last week or so looking at the problem of -

“What is the origin of the required information needed to build the first living organism?”

Here’s what atheists had to say in this “discussion.” All of them are direct quotes. To protect the dull of mind and slow of thought, I've not indicated who made these statements.

I really wish you would address the logical conundrum of God's genesis.

What model of information theory do you accept?

Makarios, what information theory model do you accept?

What is the cause of God? There is none, thereby negating your entire basis for believing the universe must have required a cause - a sentient cause at that.

I think this is the last time I respond to anything you write about evolution or abiogenesis until you address one of these two things:
1. The origin God
2. The Biblical account of creation

The big bang created time so there is no such thing as before the big bang so therefore the universe has always existed. Would you accept this as valid?

Firmament, firmament, firmanent... wherefore art thou firmament.

Yeah Chris :) ... "nevermind" ...Is that some actual code word for mindless?

Bible boy Mak claims that he has all the answers and they can be found in a book written between 3500-1800 years ago.

He also has a hard time explaining why he is an atheist towards all other gods but his own.

Right down to Noah and the ark and the animals marching in rows of two.

A rather long argument from personal incredulity.


No Christian wants to defend the Bible, and I can't say I blame them.

they find amino acids on comets

My absolute favourite is this one. This whole series had to do with “How did the DNA code originate?” and this priceless beauty arose from the discussion.

"A cell is a product of a chemical code, and it acts on chemical signals. There is no "design" to it at all, it is merely a manifestation of an execution of its code."


Gorth Satana said...

Out of context quotes.

Gorth Satana said...


Here’s what Makarios had to say in this “blog.” All of them are direct quotes. To protect the dull of mind and slow of thought, I've not indicated who made these statements but it was Rod.

Arthritis has been one of my greatest blessings.

We encourage respect and a "put that down" attitude when it comes to holding someone else's penis,

The human animal is also unique in that it is the only animal that intentionally endangers and even harms itself when angry

We don’t know how many millions of rapes God prevents from taking place in any given year. For those that He allows to take place, the suffering is not without purpose,

the rape of a child takes place because God is almost but not totally absent from the scene.

A little pain never hurt anybody.

I can’t live alone.

Total control appeared to be related to greater personal happiness.

And just how stoned do you have to be to believe, to REALLY BELIEVE that you can bring about world peace by refusing to get out of bed?

Thesauros said...

Wow! Do you enjoy shopping?

Gorth Satana said...

Wow! Do you enjoy shopping?

I occasionally Photoshop. I make the flyers for the Church I work for. (I don't write the copy)

Chris Mackey said...

The big bang created time so there is no such thing as before the big bang so therefore the universe has always existed. Would you accept this as valid?

To put my quote in context, it was a response to one of Rod's Christian friends, Marcus.

Marcus Wellington said...

Orgin of God?
God doesn't need an orgin because He has ALWAYS existed.
God created time so there is no such thing as BEFORE God therefor God has always existed

The most important part of my quote is the line "Would you accept this as valid?"

Gonzo said...

I seriously think that atheists are the ultimate religious irony: A bunch of believers who believe in the non-believing.