Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Islamic Bloggers

Saw this blog, written from the perspective of a Muslim view of the world.

Admittedly we in the West give Muslims a lot of material to criticise. Like atheists (I get to say that A LOT when writing about Islam and those who follow it), Muslim extremists see all crimes and exploitation as coming from Christians. One comment on this blog was:

"We here at this blog give you news from all of the holy spirit guided christian activity"

Mmm, not exactly, Galatians 5:22,23 gives you as clear a description that is possible to give of Holy Spirit guided activities.

Verses 19 - 21 give a description of thoughts and behaviours that are in opposition to the Holy Spirit.

Like atheists, followers of Islam take the latter and say it is the former.

Like atheists, biased, bigoted and stupid people believe them.


uzza said...

Muslims say idolatry and adultery are spirit guided activities?
What on earth are you talking about?

Anon #2 said...

The main thing that worry's me about atheists is how they worship Allah... wait a minute!
Muslims are pretty much the same as Christians.
They're monotheists. They both have a book they really dig. A dude from that book they really dig. The book says to believe it or be punished. They're intent on pushing the book on everyone.

It's just that Islam is hundreds of years behind Christianity and still has remembrances of violence. Christianity, in most countries, no longer needs violence because they own the political system.
Christianity only needs to be backed with violence in places where it doesn't own the political system, hence the violence Christianity uses in some African countries..

Anonymous said...

Can we go back to social darwinism now? How is anybody supposed to debate when you change the subject every 4 seconds. Not that it's my blog or anything, but it'd just be nice to have an argument that doesn't become neglected out of nowhere.

Anonymous #1 said...

Makarios doesn't have "arguments". He has one-way discussions.

Anonymous #3 said...

but it'd just be nice to have an argument that doesn't become neglected out of nowhere

Look for another blog...

Thesauros said...

Look for another blog...

Good advice!

Anon no. 4 said...

This blog ain't for discussion, it's for Rod to make strawmen. Of course the blog is laughable and nobody is taking it seriously.