Monday, June 1, 2009

You will know them by Jesus sticking out

Little Boy to Pastor: Could I ask you a question about your sermon?

Pastor: Sure

LB: I think you said that I could invite Jesus into my heart

P: Yes, that right.

LB: But I’m a little boy

P: Yes, that’s right

LB: But Jesus is a man in a man’s body

P: Yes, that’s right

LB: You can see I’m a little boy, right?

P: Yes, that’s right

LB: Well if I invite Jesus into my heart then Jesus will be sticking out all over

P: Yes, that’s right.

Yes, that's right atheists, There are far more people claiming to be Christians than there are Christians. "And I will say to them on that day, Get away from me, I never knew you."

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