Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Can Heaven be worse than Hell?

In yet another attempt to show the world that atheists don’t need God in order to be kind, tolerant, compassionate individuals, a blogger is encouraging fellow atheists to boycott any stores that play Christmas music during the, well, Christmas season. Another atheist chimed in and said that he already stays away from any store that posts anything relating to Christianity on it’s bill board.

That got me wondering:
. What if someone like that person was forced to live in heaven for eternity?
. What if he had no choice about being in the presence of God?
. What if a person who detests the very thought of prayer had to be around constant prayer?
. What if a person who detests the very name of God had to be around those who praise God forever and ever?
. What if a person who can’t bring h/herself to be in Church for one hour in this short life on earth had to be around those who worship God forever and ever?
. What if a person who can’t stand the concept of bowing to anyone, especially God, had no choice but to bow before Creator God. Oh wait, that WILL happen regardless of whether atheists like it or not. Ok bad example.
. What if a person who hates the concept of God had to be around those who love Him forever and ever.
. What if a person who denies God’s existence had to be in the presence of God for eternity.

No doubt, hell is going to be harsh beyond imagination, but some WILL go there and some, it seems, would rather go there than be in the presence of eternal Love. No one will be forced to love Him who they make a profession of not loving.

If you can’t stand Christmas music, how could you ever expect to tolerate heaven?

. What could be better proof of a loving God than providing atheists with the opportunity to never again be pestered by God, or prayer or Christmas music forever and ever and ever?

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