Tuesday, November 13, 2007

If my mommy was raped, do I still have value?

Of our three girls and four boys, our one daughter was conceived as a result of her mother being raped. Many people would have said that our daughter should have been killed because of how she was conceived.

What a precious child. She loves to learn. She’s funny. She’s kind. She has enough spunk to scare off the neighbourhood bully. She loves Jesus. Many people would have said that our daughter should have been killed because of how she was conceived.

She loves drawing and wants to be an artist and/or a teacher. We go for bike rides and she talks and talks and talks and talks. She’s in kindergarten and she’s learning to read. Her favourite book is “Up Up Down.” Many people would have said that our daughter should have been killed because of how she was conceived.

Our daughter can do tricks on the trampoline and swing so high that the chain just drops straight down at the end of the up stroke. Our daughter takes care of her little sister. They sleep in the same bed and sometimes they’re on opposite sides of bed in the morning, and sometimes they’re upside down and many times the blanket is on the floor. Our daughter loves music. She sings and dances and twirls around the room. Many people would have said that our daughter should have been killed because of how she was conceived.

Our daughter pretends that she is a famous figure skater as she creeps with baby steps across the ice. She loves to swim and play basketball. Our daughter once ended a bedtime prayer with, “And please help me to not be afraid of chickens.” Our daughter helps me to fix on the vehicles and tells me that she's going to drive a Monster Truck when she grows up. She loves to cook but not to clean up. Many people would have said that our daughter should have been killed because of how she was conceived.

Our daughter would love to have a dog. Because we are of a different opinion she says that she’s going to make sure that her kids get to have lots of dogs. Our daughter puts on the most ridiculous dress-up clothes and will pretend that she’s a Princess with rubber boots, work gloves and a crown. When she’s angry, our daughter folds her arms, sticks out her bottom lip and puts her chin on her chest. Sometimes she stamps a foot. Many people would have said that our daughter should have been killed because of how she was conceived.

We got this little girl when she was two days old. I’ve wiped the poop off her bum. I’ve cleaned up her puke. I’ve tried to soothe her when her chicken pox were driving her crazy. I’ve bandaged cuts and kissed bruises. I’ve bent down to look at ants and when she was little I had to tell her to not eat dirt. I stroke her hair when her asthma keeps her awake. Our daughter sometimes puts five or six pony tails in her hair. She’ll put on pink socks, purple pants and a red shirt. Her mom makes her change. She made a snow man yesterday with a head the size of a baseball. She put an Edmonton Oilers cap on it. We talk about how much longer she will need the corner on her blanket. When our daughter sits on my lap, lays her head on my shoulder and tells me that she loves me, it makes me wonder how it is that many people would have said that our daughter should have been killed because of how she was conceived.

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