Tuesday, November 6, 2007

The Good News of God’s Grace

“Are you saying that I won’t go to heaven because of what I believe or don’t believe but someone who has just raped and murdered a little girl will get to go to heaven if he says he’s sorry? Is that what you’re saying?”

A friend of mine had just been asked that question by her sister. Her sister was a good woman, at least as good as the next person. Sure she'd told some lies and stolen a little bit of stuff, but who hasn't. Sure she'd been too harsh with her children but she was tired. Sure she'd cheated on her husband but it was just with one man and only a couple times. And besides, she’d never killed anyone.

Neither had she accepted Jesus as her Saviour and Lord. The concept of forgiveness and grace being given freely to the undeserving was galling and unacceptable to her. In her mind, Grace, as it is dispensed by Jesus is just plain wrong. It’s unfair. It let’s the guilty go free.

By worldly standards she is right on the money. By God’s standards she is guilty of lacking in mercy, something at which our Creator God excels. By God's standards she is guilty as sin, a situation that she by herself cannot remedy, a situation that, left as is, will keep her separated from God for eternity.

Grace is why I love God. Mercy is why I long to be in His presence. Forgiveness is why I’m allowed to spend eternity in paradise. Grace and mercy and forgiveness are all things that I need in abundance. God’s Grace is the good news that Jesus came to earth to demonstrate and to give to the human race.

If God can save a wretch like me, He can and will save a sinner like you. Will you let Him do that for you?

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