Monday, April 13, 2009

You’re Invited!

I wrote a bit ago about how, even according to the Bible, we who are Christians really don’t amount to much, at least according to the world’s standards. It was the same with the first disciples.

If you were a male living in Jesus’ time, you would attend religious instruction until the age of 13. At that time, the best and the brightest would be chosen from among your peers to continue with their studies under the tutelage of a rabbi. The rest of us would go and find work wherever we could, be it a carpenter or a fisherman or day labourer or selling oneself as a slave / servant, or selling out to the Romans to collect taxes for them.

That’s who Jesus chose to be among His closest confidants. The losers. The dropouts. The manual labourers. Those who really weren’t going to amount to much in the eyes of the worldly wise.

Jesus said, “I haven’t come to save those who already think they’re righteous. I’ve come to save those who know they are lost.”

This is something that atheists simply cannot stand. Atheists are some of the most judgemental people on the face of the earth. They look down on and judge as having less value those who lack education or intelligence. That's sad but it should be expected. Atheists have nothing outside of themselves from which to draw their value, worth and sense of security.

So be glad! Rejoice! Jesus has chosen you to be part of His family.


FrodoSaves said...

This is something that atheists simply cannot stand. Atheists are some of the most judgemental people on the face of the earth. They look down on and judge as having less value those who lack education or intelligence. That's sad but it should be expected. Atheists have nothing outside of themselves from which to draw their value, worth and sense of security.Yes, we do that. All of us, collectively. What an astute and insightful observation of an entire group of people with whom you've clearly spent a great deal of your time interacting and understanding. I assume you have done these things, of course, because had you not you'd be as culpable of the judgmental attitude you condemn, the irony of which could not possibly be lost on one as thoughtful as you.

Thesauros said...

Whoa - good one - Zing!