Monday, March 2, 2009

The Truth Is

“The truth is, I’m unsure about the truth.”

This is a comment that was made by a young atheist woman who was caught up in a worst case scenario for someone living a life of moral subjectivism. Her roommate had been killed. Forensic evidence placed her at the scene at the time of the murder. Her “truth” statements had changed four different times in the first week of the investigation and each time police were able to show that her truth was not matching up with forensic truth.

Believe it or not, this is the kind of world-view that many, many people hope to see sweep the globe. The movement toward this promised land is made up of people, some of them are atheists, some are agnostics, most are apatheists, who simply don't care about God or about our inner moral code that billions believe is linked directly to our Creator. One common theme to which these people adhere is that there are no objective truths, morals, values and duties. “Sure,” they say, “we’ve evolved some type of moral system but it certainly isn’t something that we need to pay attention to." We can make up this truth as we go along. We can even call this “objective truth” if we want. Or we can say that there isn't any truth. It doesn’t really matter. Or so they say.

So, here we have a young woman who is perfectly content to put together any combination of words that she believes will work to her advantage, and call them truth. In a case like this, we find adherents of this philosophy taking what they know to be an outright lie and we find them testing it out, seeing if it will enable them to survive. It’s a crucial test of natural selection. The best or most convincing liars live to see another day. Those not as fit in the craft of deception, those who have not yet evolved a sophisticated ability to lie, go to jail. Not only that, but in the minds of moral subjectivists, if we the outside observers are willing to go along with the lie then in fact that combination of words actually becomes “truth”.

This way of thinking has always made sense to sociopaths. In fact it comes naturally to them. More and more however, it’s beginning to make sense to, and is becoming very comfortable for atheists as well.

One-hundred or even fifty years ago, beyond-the-pale corruption was something that was found in the odd personality disordered individual. Today as society moves further and further away from even acknowledging let alone attempting to obey objective moral standards, it’s hard to read any news story that doesn’t mention the explicit or implicit specter of personal corruption. Thanks to those who want to do away with any and all Christian influence, corruption is now becoming a cultural norm; a norm, an evil if you will, that in the words of Isaiah we “will not be able to charm away.”

We are just beginning to reap the whirlwind of the atheist’s dream - a God-less world. This is a world where anger, dishonesty, and fear are spreading their tentacles into all areas of our daily lives.


Froggie said...

"We are just beginning to reap the whirlwind of the atheist’s dream - a God-less world. This is a world where anger, dishonesty, and fear are spreading their tentacles into all areas of our daily lives."

That would conradict the fact that Godless Japan is by far more law abiding than the USA.

Murders per capita are far and away less than here.

Thesauros said...

“So, this hypothetical atheist represents ALL atheists?”

It's not hypothetical - true story.

Can you honestly say that there are no Christians why have ever done anything like that? None that lied? None that murdered? None that raped children?"

None that can make a case for it being an ok according to their stated belief system.

A relativist would have to say "it's just their way, we can't stop that."


I think what you are trying to say is "atheists are sociopathic killers and must be stopped!!!"

No, no, no. Dial it back a bit amigo. First of all, not all sociopaths are killers. Many of them are very effective leaders - not particularly nice people but pretty good leaders. Second, there are probably just as many “nice” atheists as there are “nice” Christians or “nice” anyone.

Having said that, I think, and I believe the news bears this out that people as a whole are become less nice and those who hold to selective morality have no way to say one way is wrong and another is right. Relativists just have to hope that those who aren’t nice don’t stop off at their house at night :-)

Doubting Foo said...

So, this "true" atheist represents ALL atheists?

BTW, I've never actually met a relativist, where might I find one?

Thesauros said...

"So, this "true" atheist represents ALL atheists?"

Probably not, just the one's who write athesit oriented blogs.

"BTW, I've never actually met a relativist, where might I find one?"

I would define a relativist as someone who denies the reality of objective morals, values and obligations.