Monday, September 15, 2008

Leave your beliefs at home

I’m sure you’ve heard it many times. Atheists and apatheists claiming that anyone entering government must check their religious beliefs at the door, go in and do their job and then put their beliefs back on when they head home. As ridiculous as it sounds, a good number of people actually think that sort of thing is possible, even though they would find it impossible to do the same thing within the context of their own lives. Reality is, we are what we believe.

Though I screw up frequently, my goal is to live my life as Jesus would live my life if He were me. That doesn’t mean doing all the things that He did. Rather, it's going about the tasks that are required of me in a way that Jesus would do them if He were me. A much simplified version of this is WWJD?

The question then becomes, why wouldn’t you want a person with this belief system running the country?

. Have you ever noticed that there is a certain amount of personal and corporate corruption in government? Jesus was not corrupt.
. Have you ever noticed that there is a certain amount of sexual harassment and abuse taking place in government? Jesus would not do that?
. Have you ever noticed that there is a certain amount of stealing that takes place in government? Jesus would not do that?
. Have you ever noticed that apart from believing in objective morals, values and duties as per Jesus’ teaching, one is obligated to live by selective morals, values and duties that are relative to the situation? Have you ever noticed that selective and relative morals and values and duties are what allow politicians, even those claiming to be Christians to include into their government position stealing, sexual abuse and profound amounts of corruption?

Following Jesus is not so much what we do but how we do it. It involves mercy and compassion, and fairness and a focus on the weak and outcasts and those who cannot fend for themselves. Why in the world would anyone want to eliminate that and replace it with someone whose philosophy is grounded in “survival of the fittest,” “might is right” and “you snooze you lose?” Well that's pretty easy to answer isn't it? It's those who themselve live by social Darwinism who want a like minded leader.

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