Thursday, April 10, 2008

Prophecy of Jesus

Most people understand that psychics and fortune tellers are little more than third-rate entertainment. When their endless failures are documented on television or in a magazine, almost no one is surprised.

Critics however have worn themselves out trying to destroy the idea of prophecy as it pertains to the Bible. This is because Biblical prophecy has shown itself in archeology and historical literature to be 100% accurate. The main method of denying or disproving this astounding achievement is to try to “late date” anything called Biblical prophecy. What the critics say is that because the prophecies are so accurate, they must have been written after the events actually happened. When it comes to Old Testament Prophecy in general and the prophecy of Jesus specifically, these people run into somewhat of a problem. Here’s why.

The vast majority of scholars agree that all of the Old Testament Scripture was completed 450 years before Jesus the Christ was born. However even the most sceptical must admit the date of 250 B.C. since that is when the Old Testament was translated into Greek.

In calculating odds of probability, scientists agree that 10 to the power of minus 50 is the same as zero - impossible. Here is what those odds look like.
1 chance in 100,000,000,000,000,000,

Professor Peter Stoner, himself a sceptic and former Editor of ‘Science Digest’ has calculated that the odds of the prophecies of what happened to Jesus on the last day of His life here on earth, to be 10 to the power of minus 157, against them coming true in one man, accidentally. Here’s what those odds look like.
1 chance in 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,

This information will have zero positive impact on sceptics. They will just say something like, "Well, that just proves that those things couldn't have happened the way the Bible says they did."

On the other hand, honest spiritual seekers should give a pause for thought about what exactly took place at the end of Jesus' life on earth.

The following were prophesied from 1000 - 500 years before Jesus was born but were all fulfilled in one day.

Betrayed by a friend
Sold for 30 Pieces of silver
Money "thrown" into God’s house
His best friends would all run away and desert Him
People would lie about Him in order to get Him killed
He never said a thing to defend Himself - “That’s a lie” or “I didn’t do that.”
He was killed by crucifixion
He asked God to forgive those who were killing Him
Hated without cause
Friends stood afar off
Soldiers would gamble for His clothes
They’d offer Him a pain killer to drink
His forsaken cry - “My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me.”
Committed himself to God - “Into they hand I commit My spirit.”
Bones not broken
His side pierced with a spear
Darkness at noon
Buried in a rich man’s grave

Jesus had no control over the prophecies about:
Place of birth
Time of birth
Manner of birth
Manner of death
People’s reaction
Piercing, and

Jesus said, “Before Abraham was, I AM.” The life of Jesus was put before us in such a way that no one need mistake who He was or is.

From which race He would be born into, right down to the town He would be born in, we have a record of His life on earth before it even began.

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