Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Humans are just too, too stupid

I saw this News Caption - “One Hundred-Year-Old Electric Car Idea Makes a Comeback.”

I don’t know whether to laugh or cry.

There is all this talk, and rightly so about global warming and green house gases and how we have to cut carbon emissions. So what’s our answer? Let’s generate billions of new kilowatts to power-up our electric cars. After all, power generation is clean - right? Mmm nope.

There is all this talk, and rightly so about tens of thousands of people starving to death every single day. So what's our answer? Let’s take our huge resources of food and use that food to produce ethanol for our vehicles. After all, there’s more than enough food to go around - right? Mmm nope.

There’s all this talk, and rightly so about the inevitable day when the oil runs out. So what's our answer? Let’s take our forests, which absorb carbon emissions, burn them down and plant soybeans to fuel our cars. After all, ethanol production is a lot cleaner than oil production - right? Mmm nope.

There’s all this talk, and rightly so about how water isn’t being used wisely. So what's our answer? Let’s take water away from farmers who are using it to grow food for us, and send that water to places like Las Vegas so billionaires can make their Casinos look prettier, and so the rich can keep their swimming pools filled to the brim. Because the recreation that we use to block out our coming fate is more important than, well, it's more important than anything - right. Seems so. Yes it does.

There's all this talk about there not being enough food and fuel to go around for all mouths to feed and to power all the vehicles and planes that we need for travel. So what is the answer that some people propose? Let's kill off a huge portion of our societies through abortion so that there will be fewer people which means there will be more resources for ME to waste on myself. After all, self-love makes us just plain stupid - right? Yep. That’s a fact Jack.

It’s no wonder people can’t get their heads around preparing for eternity. We can’t even think far enough into the future to ensure that there will be food on the table come dinner time.


G-man said...

Awww, you were right-on for so much of this post!!! You just had to ruin it right at the end.

You're right - it's ridiculous to plug in an electric car, power vehicles with ethanol etc. Thank you for bringing that up.

Then... what are you thinking? Do you, in any serious sense, believe that abortion legislation is in place to reduce the population? What next, people invented gayness to do the same? It's more than just incorrect, it's completely inappropriate.

Anonymous said...

It's disappointing that some people are so concerned about the 'people' who haven't been born yet than those who are already here.

Thesauros said...

Um Hmm. So I would have to adopt like, eight or nine kids instead of just seven to meet with your approval? I'd have to volunteer 30 hours a week instead of just 25? Maybe you should just listen until you're ready to move out of your parent's basement.