Saturday, January 12, 2008

Christians are Hypocrites!

I’ve been working on another project, so blogging time is at a minimum. However, a News item caught my eye that I need to write about.

Apparently 75% of non Christians believe that Christians are hypocrites. That in itself isn’t the interesting part. The accusation is old news. The interesting part is what hasn’t been said. For instance. Since 100% of Christians are hypocrites, why haven’t 100% of non Christians noticed that? Are the other 25% too polite to say it? Have they just not noticed? Maybe they don’t know any Christians? Or is the other 25% are wise enough to know that 100% of people, all of us, Christian or not are hypocrites to one degree or another?

Another question is, what do the 75% mean by hypocrite? Is it just that they see us as not living up to the ideals of Christianity? Or do they really believe that we are pretending to be better than we know we are? Do these 75% understand that people become Christians because we have become glaringly aware of the fact that we aren’t good people, that we aren’t holier than anyone else, that we are sinners of the first order who are in desperate need of forgiveness? Do they know that or are their responses born out of ignorance?

Just wondering.

1 comment:

G-man said...

Christians are hypocrites? Truer words were never spoken, Rod.