Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Part Two - Will The Real Bigot Please Stand Up!

Part Two
Are you are person who accuses those who go to Church of belonging to a cult? A cult leader demands allegiance to him/her. A Christian Pastor is a servant of God and directs his parishioners to Jesus. A cult excludes the person from his/her family. A Christian Church welcomes anyone to come and go as they please. A cult demands that a person give up his/her wealth and give it to the cult. A Christian Church promotes Biblical tithing. A cult deprives a person of proper rest and proper nutrition. A Christian Church encourages a person to take as good care of one’s body as possible. A cult uses mind control techniques to deprive the person of the ability to think for her/himself. A Christian Church encourages the congregation to read, study, and know their Bibles so that they cannot be deceived by the Pastor or anyone else. The glaring differences go on and on but that doesn’t seem to make any difference to people who are looking for a reason to be their own god.
Have you noticed how some people will focus on the small group who do something their Church denomination frowns on, right away these people yell "Hypocrite!" You seem completely ignorant of the following points:
1) The Bible clearly teaches that sin is doing what God explicitly states is wrong, or what is against the character of God. It's not what a particular denomination frowns on. When you and other bigots see someone from Church going to the bar for a steak, or going to a dance, do you think that what the people from Church are doing is wrong? NO? Well, if what the people from Church are doing isn’t wrong in God’s eyes, and if it isn’t wrong in their eyes, and if it isn’t wrong in your eyes, why do you stand in judgment of the Christians? It’s simple! It’s because you’re at your most contented and most at peace with yourself when you’re criticising others.
2) When you focus on those people who struggle in their walk of faith, you conveniently forget to consider the majority of Christians who are able to stand against popular opinion and who are able to stand firm in their faith. It just makes a person wonder why you refuse to look at those people of integrity when judging the merits of Church, Religion or Christianity? Why? What is the matter with you?
3) When you see a Christian doing something he/she knows isn’t right, what you’re seeing is the incredible power of sin. One of the greatest men of faith in the Bible once wrote in Romans 7:15, 18, 19 - "I do not understand what I do. For what I want to do, I do not do. But what I hate to do, I do anyway. I know that nothing good lives in my sinful nature for I have the desire to do what is good, but I cannot carry it out. What I do, is not the good that I want to do; and the evil I do not want to do - this I do anyway."
As C.S. Lewis wrote, "No one knows how bad he is until he tries really hard to be good." Let the bigots try to go a month without gossip, or go a week without lying. Let them see if they can stop swearing, or go a couple days without judging someone about anything. Try it!
4) Finally, not everyone who goes to Church is a Christian. And some of those who are Christians are very new in their faith, so a lot of the old life still clings to them. Also, those who go to Church, who aren’t Christians, go for many different reasons. Some go because they like to be seen in Church. Some go for the kids. Some go because it makes them feel good. But the reason Christians go to Church is:
(a) To worship their Creator for providing a salvation which they recognise they can not provide for themselves, and
(b) They know that they are not good and that they need help to change who they are.
A step toward Christianity is one’s recognition that I am not better than others. When people accuse Christians of thinking they are better than others, that’s simply the bigot’s projection. It’s not the Christian’s thought.
It seems as though some people have never wondered whether they are making any sense when they accuse Christians of being self-righteous? Have you taken any time at all to think that one through? The word "Righteous" means to be free from guilt or sin, acting in accordance with a divine or moral law. The word "Self-righteous" means to be convinced of one’s own righteousness. It’s you the bigot who believes that you are good enough. I’ve already said that we who claim the name of Christ know and believe that we have no righteousness apart from faith in Jesus. We are counted as righteous in God’s eyes, but that has nothing to do with who we are, or what we have done. It is based completely on what Jesus has done for us and our faith in that work. The Bible teaches: "Unless you are born again you can never get into the kingdom of heaven. There is no eternal doom awaiting those who trust Jesus to save them. But those who don’t trust Him have already been tried and condemned for not believing in the only Son of God" (John 3:3, 18). Jesus said, "I say emphatically that anyone who listens to my message and believes in God who sent Me has eternal life and will never be damned for his sins. For unless you believe that I am the Son of God, the Messiah, you will die in your sins" (John 5:24; John 8:24). "This righteousness from God comes through faith in Jesus Christ to all who believe. There is no difference, for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God and can be made right with God freely by His grace because of Jesus’ death on the cross which paid the penalty we’ve got coming" (Romans 3:22-24).
It is we Christians who know and believe that there is nothing in us that can make ourselves good enough to warrant eternal life in Heaven. It’s people like Jesus’ critics who think that they, in their own power and might and effort can make their selves good enough. It’s they who perfectly fit the description of being self-righteous.
The sinful nature that is in every single one of us roams through our lives searching for a place to take root. When you see something seriously and chronically wrong in a person who goes to Church, even if it’s a Pastor or Priest, that does not mean that Jesus or even religion is wrong. What you’ve found is a corrupt person who is using religion to serve him or herself. Let me explain.
Your hatred, bigotry and hypocrisy has found free-rein in you, and that allows you to denigrate and malign all religious people, the vast majority of whom do not deserve these vicious attacks. You’ve become a predator, harming innocent people. You feel free in making the comments you do because you say them in safe places with like-minded bigots.

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