Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Conclusion - Will The Real Bigot Please Stand Up!

To conclude, do you ever wonder how some people get to be such bitter, miserable, angry, vengeful, unforgiving individuals who live their lives around a distorted list of facts? I can tell you why. There is a very accurate saying that goes, "A person doesn’t become a bigot because she/he misinterprets the facts. A person misinterprets the facts because he/she is already a bigot."
Have you ever wondered what it is about your soul that makes you laugh at and ridicule the verses in the Bible that you don’t understand? You say "Look at that! You can’t expect me to take that literally." And based on your feeble reasoning you go on to choose to disregard those most important verses about salvation that are so crystal clear and so easy to understand that a child can get the message.
There’s a reason for your kind of reaction. Bible scholar D. L. Moody once said, ‘Reading the Bible without the Holy Spirit is like reading a sun dial by moonlight." What he meant was described in the Bible this way. 1st Corinthians 2:14 says, "The people not of the Spirt do not accept the things that come from the Spirit of God. For they are foolishness to them and they cannot understand them because they are spiritually discerned." 2nd Corinthians 4:3 says, "Even if our gospel is veiled, it is veiled to those who are perishing. satan, the god of this world has blinded the minds of unbelievers so they cannot see the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God."
These are sobering words that should make our legs buckle beneath us. They are saying that secular bigots have got a very short time to radically change their beliefs. You can either do it now and be saved, or you’ll be forced to change later yet still be lost forever. "In the end, every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord"(Romans 14:11). In you present condition you are on the verge of being eternally and completely separated from God. But it doesn’t have to be this way. God has so much love, even for those who hate His followers, that He came in bodily form to die, in order to pay the penalty for your sins and for my sins, and to lead us home? Don’t you ever wonder about the kind of love that would make Him do all this for everyone, even for those who hate Him and His followers?
Some people have accused Christians of having a blind faith. That couldn’t be further from the truth. An example of blind faith is when people go to a funeral of someone, perhaps a good person, but not a Christian and they say, "I just have to believe that she/he’s in a better place." You just have to believe that!!! Or you might be one of those who says, "This is it. There’s nothing after death." Based upon what facts do you make that comment? None! It’s those comments, that are the perfect example of blind faith.
The Christian’s faith is built upon a real person who lived in real time in real space, who died and rose again from the dead in real time and in real space, and He did all this in such a way that no one could prove that it didn’t happen. He did this in such a way that those followers of His who were gutless cowards before His death, were unstoppable spokesmen and women after His resurrection.
Jesus said, "Come to ME all of you who are weary and carrying a heavy burden, and I will give you rest for your soul. . ." Some people don’t want to take every verse in the Bible literally, but Jesus literally died to give us the opportunity for salvation. If secular bigots think that He isn’t going to take seriously their continued rejection of why He was tortured to death for them, you need to think again. He may be a loving God but He is also just and fair. We can either let Him pay the penalty for our sin, or we will pay the penalty later. We need to seek out and focus on Jesus who is the giver and sustainer of life. He’s waiting for us with open arms to help us be rid of our hatred and anger and the bigoted attitude, so that we do not need to pass it on to our children

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