Monday, May 25, 2009

God doesn’t have grandchildren

Most everyone has heard of how we can become a child of God. That happens when we’re “saved,” when we’ve accepted Jesus as our “Saviour,” when we ask Jesus to forgive our sins and become Lord and Master of our lives. When that happens we become, like I said, a child of God. Another term for that is, the person has become a Christian.

So what happens to the CHILDREN of someone who is a child of God? What happens to someone who was raised in a Christian home and who has learned to mimic the behaviours of Christianity? When a child of a child of God prays, or reads h/her Bible every day, or leads a Bible study or tells others about Jesus, or is a member of the Church Board or even the Pastor of a Church, does that person automatically become a grandchild of God? After all, they’ve been marinated in a Christian atmosphere. They’ve done all the behaviours of Christianity. Maybe they’ve done those behaviours very well. Does that mean they’ve become a Christian by osmosis, by default?

Of course the answer is, “No. Not at all.” Becoming a Christian is not something that happens by default. Being raised in a Christian home doesn’t make someone a Christian. Becoming a child of God is not something that one inherits. Being saved, becoming a Christian is not something that anyone can do for you or give to you by natural birth. Becoming a Christian is something that involves a personal exchange that takes place between the individual and Jesus. No one else is involved. God does adopt us as His children, but God does not have grandchildren.


Housegroup diaries said...

thanks for your helpful comments on my blog. Yours is an eye-opener for me. Let's not be weary in doing good for in due seaso... something good awaits.

From Michael -

Housegroup diaries said...

thanks for your helpful comments on my blog. Yours is an eye-opener for me. Let's not be weary in doing good for in due seaso... something good awaits.

From Michael -

Housegroup diaries said...

thanks for your helpful comments on my blog. Yours is an eye-opener for me. Let's not be weary in doing good for in due seaso... something good awaits.

From Michael -