Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Does that make sense?

What is going through a person’s mind when h/her pattern of thinking leads to this?

. Because a universe with a beginning opens the door for proving the existence of God, “I believe that the universe never had a beginning.”

From there you go through a dozen or more theories of infinite universe(s), all of which prove to be faulty in one or more crucial areas. Yet you only very reluctantly accept that the universe must have had a beginning.

. Because a universe with a cause opens the door for proving the existence of God, very reluctantly you say to yourself, “Ok the universe might have had a beginning but it didn’t have a cause.”

From there you go through a dozen or more theories of causeless beginnings, all of which prove to be faulty in one or more crucial areas.

. Very reluctantly you allow that the universe might have had a cause, “But the cause wasn’t God.”

From there you go through a dozen or more scenarios whereby the cause of the universe was the universe itself. And even though the idea of something preexisting itself either physically or chronologically in order to create itself is ludicrous, you cling to that hope anyway because it allows you to avoid accepting God as Creator or first Cause.

. Because a universe with objective truth, morality and values opens the door for the existence of God, and because objective truth, morality and values can only truly exist if Creator God exists, you simply say, “That’s not true. Society or even individuals can create objective / universal truths, morals and values.”

From there you go through almost endless mental contortions trying to prove your hypothesis. Eventually you are forced to accept that in the absence of God's Truth, morals or values, there really isn't any truth, and there really aren't any morals or values save your own. From there you are forced to accept that the idea that we can create our own truth is just as ridiculous as your previous thoughts on infinite universes and causeless beginnings.

As that concept sinks in, you declare, "I give up. All I know is that there isn't any Creator God.”

After each of your premises proves to be in error, rather than coming to the only logical and reasonable conclusion possible, That Creator God is the originator of the universe, you, and objective truth, morals and values, rather than admit to that conclusion you simply throw your hands in the air and say, “I won’t accept that. Sooner or later science will prove that God doesn't exist.”

Does that way of living make sense to you?
Does that way of looking at life make sense to anyone?

Aren’t you embarrassed to see that when confronted with facts that lead to conclusions that you aren’t ready to accept on a philosophical basis, you are willing to make unreasonable and illogical statements like we can have causeless beginnings or beginningless beginnings? Doesn’t it bother you that you’re willing to live with logical incoherence?

Actually I believe that self-proclaimed atheists will one day bite the bullet, step up to the plate, take the tiger by the tail and in a fit of momentary maturity declare, "Ok, there is a Creator God but I don't want anything to do with Him. I want to live my life my way and my Creator can go take a flying leap."

Now that would make some sense!

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