Thursday, May 24, 2007

Growing Together

I’ve just finished a few weeks of marriage counselling with a couple. He was born into a religious home and has since pulled back from that. She was born into a secular home and just before I met them, she had become a Christian. There will no doubt be a fair bit of pushing and pulling as they try to balance out these disparate paths. What has that got to do with anything?

It’s just that it highlights for me how blessed I am, how fortunate I am that Wendy and I have grown in our spiritual walk more or less at the same pace. More accurately, I have pretty much been able to keep up with my incredibly wonderful, intelligent, strong and amazing wife.

Wendy is a quiet, thinking, praying, listening, contemplative individual. She was the first one in our relationship to become a Christian. She tells me that she once wrote in her journal that she thought that I’d never become a follower of Jesus. It took me about two years of watching this amazing transformation in Wendy before I said, “I want that too.” Luckily for me, Jesus is in the business of changing lives.

I on the other hand, am the reading, talking, writing, studying, impulsive type. In every single case that I can remember, whenever I’ve come to Wendy with my “discovery / insight / revelation” moments, about how God works in people’s lives, it has only been to find that Wendy has known for months, what I’d just “discovered.” After I’ve crudely exclaimed the wonders of a particular thought, she feeds it back to me in words refined from hours and hours of personal thought.

Regardless, Wendy is a patient woman who takes my hand as we travel this awesome rode that Jesus is laying out before us. I love my wife. I love my life.

As the proverb says, “If you want to go quickly, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.” I am so grateful that God has allowed me to travel this road of life with this terrific woman.

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